frequently asked questions
Is there a taxi rank at High Wycombe train
station that can take me to Heathrow Airport?
There is a taxi rank outside of the High Wycombe train station. You might not want to use them because they will be charging you by the meter. When you arrive at the train station, you can
book a taxi with D2D where the price is fixed and there is no charging by the meter. In fact you can expect fair prices and at the same time a good , reliable taxi service.
Always book D2D taxi by calling 01494 558080 .
Is it better to book a taxi well in advance?
It most certainly is. When you book a taxi well in advance with D2D we can be well organised and prepared to take you to the airport. When you book a taxi with D2D we can reassure you that because you are take most priority as to someone who books after you or last minute for that scheduled time.
Can I pay with card when booking a taxi to Heathrow Airport?
D2D Taxi accept all types of card payments and cash. You can pay with whatever type of
payment that you feel comfortable with and is suitable for you.
Is it a rule to tip a taxi driver?
Absolutely Not. In the UK it is not a requirement to tip a taxi driver like it is in the USA.
Tipping is a free choice. There is no pressure to tip. But it is nice to tip.